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samedi 22 août 2020

"Techniques of persuasion" de James A.C Brown (1963)

Love is not a crisis but the way out of crisis which has arisen from a state of dissatisfaction with oneself. Having fallen short of his ego-ideal, the individual makes use of love as a means of finding it in someone else and in this way, achieving wholeness. The beloved person is a substitute for the ideal ego, and two people who fall in love with each other are interchanging their ego-ideals. Failing the discovery of a loved object, says Reik, the only remaining alternatives are to « fall in hate » or to accomplish something creative which gives one back the lost self-respect.

(…) the eighteenth-century case of a convent in France where one man began to mew lit a cat until presently the whole community was mewing day after day until stopped by the threats of the local militia ; and the biting mania which spread through the convents of Germany, Holland and Italy…

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