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lundi 27 janvier 2020

"The Bonfire of the vanities" de Tom Wolfe (1987)

« If you want to live in New York », he once told Sherman, « you’ve got to insulate, insulate, insulate. »

And so another fucking day in the Homicide Bureau of the Bronx Fucking District Attorney’s Office was off to a fucking start.

Below the logo - THE CITY LIGAFI
The page consisted of enormous capital letters running down the right side-
[…] Just think of the anticlimax of « scalp grandma »… “then rob her”. The pointless brilliant anticlimax! Christ if they’d had more room, they would have added « then leave all the lights on in her kitchen ».

I do know. You don’t get the picture yet? She married Ruskin f’r Chrissake, and whaddaya think she felt for him? I bet she studied the actuarial tables. Awright?
I bet you she actually studied the fucking actuarial tables.

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