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dimanche 9 août 2020

"Mutant Message down under" de Marlo Morgan (1990)

The animals had as much right to it as people. The tribe never took all the water, regardless of how low our supply was at the moment. At any water area, the people used the same spot from which to drink. Each type of animal seemed to follow the pattern. Only the birds disregarded the access rule and felt at home drinking, splashing, and excreting freely.

They have refused a written language because to them that gives away the power of memory.

They do not celebrate getting older; what they do celebrate is becoming better.

Having no mirror all this time seemed to have an impact on my awareness. It was like walking around inside a capsule with eyeholes. I was always looking out, looking at others, observing how they were relating to what I was doing or what I was saying (…) Without a mirror to frighten me back into reality, I would experience feeling beautiful. Obviously I wasn’t, but I felt beautiful. The people accepted me as I was.

They believe the reason Mutants dream at night is because in our society we are not allowed to dream during the day, and especially to dream with one’s eyes open is totally misunderstood.

« Jesus did not come to the Real People tribe. He certainly could have, we were right here, but it wasn’t our message. It didn’t apply to us because we have not forgotten. We were already living His Truth. To us », they continued, « Oneness is not a thing. Mutants seem addicted to form. They can’t accept anything invisible and without a shape.”

Most marched into the white man’s world looking for the promised goodness, which included unlimited food, and died in poverty, the legal form of slavery.

« We think of Divine Oneness as feeling the intent and the emotion of beings - not as interested in what we do as why we do it »

My people believe that what you call God, Mutants find difficult to define because they seem addicted to form.  For us, Oneness has no size, shape, or weight. Oneness is essence, creativity, purity, love, unlimited, unbounded energy. Many of the tribal stories refer to a Rainbow Snake which represents the weaving line of energy or consciousness that starts as total peace, changes vibration, and becomes sound, color, and form.

We were given free will and this planet to use as a learning place for emotions…

(…) Mutants can no longer live in the open environment. Most die never knowing what it feels like to have stood naked in the rain.

Mutants have limited understanding because they measure time in terms of themselves.

(…) fear is an emotion of the animal Kingdom. (…) you either have faith or fear, not both.

They believe in free will; freely the soul chooses to come, so how can rules be just that say the soul cannot go home?

The Real People nation have for centuries had the practice at birth of speaking the same first phrase to all newborns (…) « We love you and support you on the journey ». At their final celebration, everyone hugs them and repeats this phrase again.

The persons receiving it have the right to do anything with the gift: use it, destroy it, give it away, whatever.

They wake up being grateful! They spend the entire day never talking anything for granted.

(…) the difference between Mutants’ prayer and the Real People form of communication is that prayer is an outward talking to the spiritual world, and what they do is just the opposite. They listen. They clear thoughts out of their minds and wait to receive.

Had I finally learned to treasure the experience and not the item?

« God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference »

I had not found a new religion, but I had found new faith.

I knew they believed strongly that Divine Oneness planned no suffering to any living creature, except what the creature accepts for itself. That applied to humanity as well as animals.

Perhaps the future of the world would been better hands if we forgot about discovering something new and concentrated on recovering our past (…) they do believe that in seeking knowledge, Mutants need to include the sentence, « If it is in the highest good for all of life everywhere ».

(…) I can observe an opportunity to pass a spiritual test even though the situation, appears very negative. I have learned he difference between observing what is taking place and judging it. I have learned that everything is an opportunity for spiritual enrichment.

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